This is My Milwaukee
Kevin showed this to me. This video is amazing. Apparently it's part of a promotion for some alternate reality game. It doesn't really matter, the thing's a hoot.
As we start to come down to the wire in the general election, FWOTF presents a special political-themed website after over two months (almost 5 fortnights) of inaction. Yeah, sorry about that one. We're a bit busy here.

ASCII Convert
OK, Dr. Horrible costs money now. But did you know that you can get the same fuzzy feeling inside with the ability to convert images into crude text representations? Well, you can. Here are some examples.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Hey, we're back on the fortnight schedule!
Anyway, for a limited time only, the guy who brought you Firefly has made a zany musical for your viewing pleasure. Act now, before he takes it down and makes you buy a DVD.

Jimmy Chows Down
Do you go to George Mason? No? Well, then, do you remember my friend Jimmy Rogers? You know, the one from fourth grade? He was in the OA, too? The Brotherhood chair guy? No? Oh. Well, he now reviews restaurants at GMU. Check it out, they can be funny.

Google Trends
Track the volume of searches on different topics over time, across regions, and by language. For instance, Stargate is wildly popular in the Czech Republic, Australia, and France for no reason that I can fathom.

YouTube: Titanic - The Sequel
"What happens when everything you ever knew was gone? And you must live life all over again... in an unfamiliar town... and in the future?"

See if you can catch the misspelled "Fozen Man of the Titanic".

The National Mosaic Enhanced Radar Image
Holy crap, things have gotten busy around here. I mean, it's ridiculous. Anyway, this link is a really cool, really huge radar image of the entire country... in motion.

YouTube: Walking By Burruss
I really don't know what the deal with this was, or even how I found it. Anyway, the point is that somebody wrote a song and made a video. The concept is that somebody woke up to find that he's trapped in a musical. Fortunately, most of you won't notice the geographical continuity flaws.

Improve your vocabulary and help the UN World Food Program: how can you resist? Somebody typed in 10,000 vocab words by hand, for every word you get right he donates money from the banner ads equal to 20 grains of rice to the UN. It's enough rice to feed 7,000 people a day.

"Hokies Thank the World" Time-Lapse Video
About a month ago, Virginia Tech had a big event to show our appreciation for all of the support we received after the shootings last April. It went really well, and the complete results of that morning are posted here and here. It's big (but cool!), so be patient.

YouTube: Kiwi!
This is such a great video. YouTube should exist, if for no other reason than this. So great... so touching. I think I need some time alone now...

The American Society for Velociraptor Attack Prevention
Wow, it's been a while. So here's a fairly good site. Sure, it doesn't have that much content, but then again, neither did Anyway, this site is based off of several XKCD comic strips. XKCD is great, and I highly recommend checking it out sometime.

VT Surplus Property Auctions
Information on the next VT Surplus Auction has been posted. Check out all of the junk that the university is trying to get rid of. We'll probably be making a trip down there to see what kind of bargains we can find. It's always a good time.

Liberty University Code of Conduct: Reprimands and Consequences
This one created a little stir around here last month. Popular things to point out included "Entering... a quad of the opposite sex" (18 reprimands) and the fact that attending a dance (6) is half as bad as seeing an R-rated movie (12) or one-fifth as bad as an abortion or "immorality" (30 each).

YouTube: The MCers
Yes, we all despise the Main Campbellonains and whatnot, but I must admit that they do a few things very well, like making random videos and being generally absurd. Watch for Rubin's cameo appearance in the 2006 Joust Extended Cut, and be sure to check out that thing with the dry ice.

Blogspot: Where is Brad? (again)
Wow, it has been a while. Fortunately, due to a typo below, I still have almost a week before I even need to update again. Anyway... I'd like to bring Brad's Blog back to your attention. He's back, and he's even added some pictures and a video.

YouTube: American Samoa vs Australia
I love soccer, but I've got to admit that this is sort of sad. Let me put it this way: Australia is a good team. American Samoa?

Eh, not so much.

YouTube: Tony vs. Paul
I really love stop motion animation. Especially live action ones, like this. You can really do some interesting things with this medium. I especially like the parts where they "fly" across fields and stuff.

Blogspot: Where is Brad?
Brad, the guy I'm rooming with next year, is taking a trip through Asia on Virginia Tech's dollar. He won one of those sophomore scholarships the Honors people are always talking about. Check back for updates; he'll post them when he can.

The Onion: New Bill Would Defend Marriage from Sharks
I love The Onion, especially when they hit on especially biting satire. This is a great demonstration of just how overboard some people go in protecting their "sacred" institutions, such as people with good family values like Newt Gingrich. That, and jokes are funnier if you explain them.

YouTube: Human Space Invaders
This is really well made and it obviously took a slew of people to make. I love the effects when the fighter gets hit towards the middle and end. And the sound effects are priceless. Pretty much it is just great all around. Oh, and I am seriously working on the remainder of the April Pictures.
I read about this on the New York Times. What a fascinating concept. Uhh, that's about all I've got.

Uncyclopedia: Murphy's Law Application for Antigravitatory Cats
Uncyclopedia is a great site. Completely and totally factually accurate, too. This is one of the more enlightening pages I've seen thus far. I think the best one I've seen is this one, but the title (AAAAAAAAA!) is a bit odd. Then you might not visit it.

The Book
This is a video from a Norwegian sketch comedy show called Øystein & Meg, which translates as Øystein (one of the actors) & I. The spoken language is Norwegian, the subtitles in Danish and English. This is what the middle ages would have been like with today's tech support people.

The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation
A very funny concept: what if Lincoln had used powerpoint to compose his remarks at Gettysburg? This site attempts to answer this question. Just hit "Click here to start" and keep pressing "next" to continue on the road to pure absurdity.

Flash Earth
This. Site. Is. Awesome. Somebody came along and figured out how to use the imagery from a bunch of online map websites and rolled them all into one easy to use flash application. No imagery where you're looking? Just try another site. It's great.

Amazing 3D Sidewalk Art Photos
Holy Crap. This is simply amazing. This guy draws stuff (with chalk!) on sidewalks, and from certain angles they legitmately look like there's a big, cavernous hole in the ground. NOTE: the pictures get better as you keep scrolling down, so don't whimp out.

Funny Freestyle 2
Woah, it's been a while. Increases in other activities have caused my random websurfing to drop significantly. In any case, here's a video of somebody doing amazing things with a soccer ball.

Video of Space Debris
Some Fox TV affiliate in Colorado was checking out the local traffic from their helicopter when they spotted this thing breaking up in the atmosphere. They thought it was a meteor, but it turns out that it was a Russian rocket burning up after dropping off a French space telescope.

Will It Blend?
It's like the "Will it Float?" feature on Letterman, except it's put on by a company that makes the blender featured in the videos (you can buy one online), and features a lab coated, goggled science person feeding toy cars, thanksgiving dinners, iPods, cell phones, and more into the abyss.

Fantasy Congress
It's like fantasy football, except it's more like you're doing your civic duty. It's Fantasy Congress - "Where People Play Politics". If you are a Hillcrest resident, email Will S. to get in on the action in the Hillcrest league.

Wikipedia: Anti-Humor
And now for another instance of Wikipedia and its being awesome. For instance: What's the difference between a chicken and the Kyoto Protocol? One is a domestic fowl; the other is an international convention on climate change. Ha ha, oh goodness.

Welcome to ZomboCom! This is ZomboCom! ZomboCom Welcomes You! Welcome, you who come to ZomboCom! You can do anything at ZomboCom!

Hillcrest Community
Although this site is terribly out of date, it is the only source for a pictures of a number of remarkable historical events around Hillcrest, including the scavenger hunt and that time TJ put a whole bunch of post-its up on the ceiling of the TV lounge in cool patterns. Those were the days...

I Pity The Fool
I saw an advertisement for this show on television. I'm not sure if I should be waiting in anticipation or cringing in terror. Wow. I really can't make any more fun of this show then it already makes of itself.

Engrish Generator
This place really rather conspiracy, at least is from technical viewpoint. I those suppose that it possesses the database of the type which exchanges the word where you type. It is good, that is in any case, I how obtained this clause.

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
This. Site. Is. Awesome. Where else could you get proof that the decreasing pirate population in the world is the cause of global warming? I think we should implement all changes that this website advocates, including equal teaching time for Intelligent Design and Pastafarianism.

VT Underground
So... as I understand it, very few of the things on this website are legal to do. But it still has interesting pictures of places on the Virginia Tech campus that just about everybody on campus will never see. And also as I understand it, some of these places are interesting to visit.

Diet Coke and Mentos
In the county where I live, it is (technically) illegal to shoot off fireworks. So we celebrated the Fourth of July with another, equally spectacular visual display: Kroger diet cola and Mentos mints. See where we got the inspiration to attempt this daring feat in this week's Featured Website.

YouTube: Shining
A good, whole hearted romantic comedy for the whole family - it's Shining!

It's something, alright.

Cartoon Physics
8/16/6 - Back to School Special!
This article discusses (in all seriousness) the laws of physics as used in cartoons. See things such as Portable Holes and Anvilology. See also: Hammerspace.

Eric Conveys An Emotion
This site hasn't been updated for a while, but it is still funny nonetheless. Scroll down the left side to check out our hero Eric, making crazy faces, as the emotions he is supposed to convey become more and more absurd. Also, see the adventures section, including "The New Pad."

NAS Alameda
The now-defunct Naval Air Station Alameda is now home to a large expanse of pavement. The MythBusters film a lot of their large-scale tests here. This is also where they filmed that car chase in the second Matrix film. You can still see where they made their fake highway.

Narwhal Diving
That last site was far too serious.

It's a Narwhal! Don't ask. Just play. Try to beat my score of 918 within 10 tries. Or my all time high score of 981.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Letter to Bush's_2006_letter_to_Bush
You probably heard about this letter a few months ago. The Iranian Prime Minister sent an 18 page letter to President Bush. Most people in the media passed it off as some sort of crazy raving rant, but it is actually fairly insightful if you take the time to read the whole thing.

Virgnia Tech Website Redesign Sneak Preview
7/5/6 - Gotta build up the inventory.
Well, I thought this was cool. It's interesting to see the new stuff VT is looking at doing to make their website better looking and easier to use, as somebody who is looking at doing the same thing (eg, adding more pictures). Be sure to look at the History section.

AutoDave! The Automated Dave Barry Column Generator
6/30/6 - Yes, it has been less than 14 days. I don't care.
Now that Dave Barry has stopped doing a regular column, are you in withdrawl? Ease your pain by making your own Dave Barry-esque column!

Naval Safety Center Photos
6/25/6 - The first one!
This is a website I check a few times a week. These are usually relatively humorous photos of somebody doing something unsafe or downright stupid. Feel free to look through the archives (200 weekly pictures and counting) for some classic laughs.

NOTE: This page is (as of 7/9/6) offline due to the soldier idently leak problem thing.

NOTE: Now it's back! - 7/17/6