About the Film

After viewing the landmark film Koyaanisqatsi (go see it!) for about the 7th time, I started noticing comparisons between scenes in the movie and things I have seen in the real life in my school career at Virginia Tech. So I have decided to capture some of these scenes in video form in the best way possible: low resolution video captured by a digital camera presented through internet video.

So back in November of 2005, I designed a logo and crafted a teaser trailer... completely ripping off the Koyaanisqatsi (go see it!) DVD. At that point, I arbitrarily set March 2006 as the deadline for full length trailer, giving myself some time to film stuff in decent weather conditions. With filming underway, it looks that we'll have enough material to do more than just that. We here will explore presentation options and try to decide how much of the movie we can recreate. Check it out now.

Oh, and yes, I pretty much owe the whole film to the folks at the Institute for Regional Education, the people who put together the original film. The sounds, the title font, the concept, pretty much the whole production is using their work. So once again, I STRONGLY urge everybody to see their final work in Koyaanisqatsi, availible anywhere fine movies are sold.

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