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So, umm, thanks for visiting. Can I offer you something to drink? How about a Tab?   [rimshot]   Get it? It's computer humor. Ha ha.

No, seriously, we're not sure exactly how you got here, but so long as you're here, you've got a couple of options.

  1. You're new here, and you'd kind of like to know what all this site's about. Just read on for the best explanation we've been able to scrape together.

  2. You've been here before and you just want to see what's new. Well, we have just the page for you: the Recent Changes page.

  3. You've been here before and you're looking for something: check out the indexed list of the family of pages.

  4. You are some deranged internet junkie looking for those special features known as easter eggs in every concieveable location. Well, here's a hint. Just press Alt and F4 together for my world famous secret salsa recipie.

  5. You don't know what you're doing here, and you want out. The sensible move. You know where to find the little red "close" circle (or box, for those imprisoned by Microsoft like myself) with the x.
Well, that about does it for the explanation part. Now, let's get this guided tour in motion. Please keep your arms and legs inside the tram at all times, hold questions for the end, and please remember, if you enjoy this tour, gratuities are appreciated by the crew of the S.S. Browser and will not be accepted through your computer's USB ports.

So let's get this train wreck a'rollin!


About two and a half weeks after arriving at college, Peter's parents came down to Blacksburg for his birthday. They had a gift for him: their old digital camera. It had kind of been on the fritz for a couple of months, thus, they had decided to replace it, leaving him with their old yet still fairly nice model camera.

About two weeks later, Peter had the occasion to take the camera to a football game. Afterwards, he wanted to share the pictures with his parents (to show them what kinds of things he was doing) but wanted to give a sort of commentary. Now, short of sending them all the pictures and doing some kind of teleconference presentation, Peter eventually decided that the best way to share the experience was with some kind of website. Orignially posted on his Virginia Tech Filebox webspace, the Georgia Tech Game was the very first page created during this, his college experience.

Following another trip (the ASCE New River Gorge Bridge trip) it quickly became apparent that the 30 MB of storage space and the limited bandwidth provided by Virginia Tech was going to be inadequate. For this reason, a permanent home for the site was created:

With its spacious storage capacity and comparatively unlimited bandwidth, our new home has encouraged the creation of not only a large number of additions to the Virginia Tech Experience, as these photo pages came to be known, but also a significant quantity of other random, wandering pages and (hopefully) entertaining snapshots of the randomness life in general.

Present Sections

Currently, the most frequently updated page (and most visited) is the Virginia Tech Experience family of pages.

The Techaanisqatsi page (see below) is also rather frequently visited, with its various "trailers" to the nonexistent film exist there. And more stuff is coming!

Another popular page is the collection of Experimental Films. These are just some random videos that have been put together while here. They all have something peculiar about them. We're working on making a few more of them presentable.

Finally, a rather sparsely visited page is the Ombudsman, the comments/complaints page. We're hoping this is a good thing...


So what can be expected for the future of PeterPages? Nobody really knows for sure. (Translation: even we really don't know and haven't given it much thought.) The possiblities are endless. But we do have a couple of long-term projects under construction. Some of them include:

  • Techaanisqatsi - A homage to one of our favorite films, Koyaanisqatsi. This project will surely stick around as it balloons in size almost weekly. The full length trailer is now finished, and it should have some special features joining it as they are completed.

  • Hillcrest: The Brick House - It has been suggested that some sort of portal for stuff happening around the building should be created. We'll see how it turns out.

  • The Uncivil Engineer - All sorts of engineering humor and... umm... stuff. This page is under development for release in the next few months.